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Social Media Management:

There are some business owners who say using Social Media like Facebook or Twitter does nothing for their business. And those business owners are wrong. They just don’t know how to use Social Media to their benefit. For Social Media to have an effect on a business, you must know how to harness its power to your advantage.

Design MNB, Web Design Studio will show you how having a strong web presence can affect your company in a positive way. By utilizing the right Social Media platforms you will be building yourself as an industry leader and gaining the trust of potential customers.

After all, a name that you hear a lot is a name you can trust. And what better way to become known than through Social Media?

Pay-Per-Click Advertising:

Design MNB, Web Design Studio will choose the best headlines and keywords, as well as write the copy for your paid advertisement campaigns. We will create Google or Facebook/Instagram ads that will deliver leads in the most cost efficient way.

Here is why we KNOW Social Media is important to your business
Facebook is the largest method of online SOCIAL NETWORKING. It has 2 Billion users and growing, as well as having the most CONTENT shared on any social platform. It is known to be more PERSONAL than other platforms and enhances the users experience with add-ins like Foursquare and Pinterest. Facebook offers advertising options.
Instagram is our online platform for VISUAL MARKETING with 700 Million users and growing. Instagram redefined the social media by RELATING to consumers through Pictures and Video.  This allows for marketers to capture a VISUAL Audience, and increase visibility by adding tags, to photos and videos. Instagram is slowly introducing advertising.
LinkedIn is the primary platform for BUSINESS NETWORKING. Boasting 500 million users and growing, this form of social media is your best opportunity to Network and Connect; both for you and your business. LinkedIn allows the user to connect with groups of similar interests and allows you to BUILD relationships. They also offer advertising options.
Pinterest leads the way in VISUAL DISCOVERY. Although most of their 175 Million users are Female subscribers, posts and pins are designed to be meaningful, creating a sense to 'save' and 'hold on to' what interests the consumer. Pinterest is designed with multiple BOARDS for different interests and is often used as an e-commerce referral option.
Twitter is king of MICRO BLOGGING. With their steady 328 Million users, tweets can be sent out like 'mini-blog posts,' limited to 140 characters per message. Users on Twitter are constantly adding content, making tweets Real Time, all the time. This non-stop social media platform is the FASTEST medium to reach your audience first.
YouTube is the industry leader in VIDEO MARKETING. This Google-owned company has 1.5 Billion users and counting, and is used my marketers to increase SEO. YouTube has more Powerful messaging capabilities and the ability to share Information and Instruction. Video ads are available as well as monetization.
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