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1. Discovery

At design mnb, Web Design Studio, we always start by getting to know everything about your company and clients. Then we research your industry thoroughly and create a clear plan of action. By learning everything about your company’s message and branding we gain a clear idea of what kind of Website Design will represent your business best. In addition to getting to know your company and clients, we also learn about your main competitors. It’s important to know what kind of approach they are using and how to tailor yours to be better. Once we have all of this information, we begin the process of crafting the most effective plan for your business.

2. Planning & Design

Using the information we learned in the Discovery step, we will begin with the first part of the plan – creating the right Website Design for your company. We will analyze the information we have gathered and focus on the best and most effective way to promote your company’s message and branding through the Website Design we create. User Experience principals are also applied here to begin understanding how your visitors will navigate your website.

3. Development

Once the planning phase of the Website Design is approved, we move onto the development stage of the website. This is the actual creation of the website. This is a more technical step of our journey, where most of the work gets done behind the curtain. As soon as the development of the website’s functionality is completed we will test the entire website on most web browsers, computer operating systems, and mobile devices. This will allow us to view the website in every possible way your visitors might view it.

4. Launch

The final step is to simply launch the website for the whole world to see. We have sowed the seed and now it is time to wait for the fruit to ripen. But our partnership doesn’t have to end here. Design mnb, Web Design Studio can help you with the next part of growing your business. We offer services of Social Media Management to create a strong presence online, Search Engine Optimization to rank better on Google, and monthly maintenance plans. Both of these aspects are crucial to growing your brand, promoting your business and gaining customers’ trust. If you’d like to find out more about what we offer, please contact us.
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